Mould Prevention and Warranty Policy At Dwights, we are committed to providing high-quality outdoor gear designed to withstand the elements. To ensure the longevity and optimal performance of your equipment, we recommend following the care and storage guidelines below. Preventing...
Condensation inside tents can happen to even the most experienced campers. Have you ever woken up with moisture on the inside of your tent fly or a pool of water on the floor? It is easy to mistake that the...
Why Every Outdoor Enthusiast Needs a Headlamp Picture this: you're out in the wilderness, surrounded by nature's beauty, embarking on an exhilarating outdoor adventure. The sun begins to set, casting shadows over your path. Suddenly, darkness envelopes everything around you....
Exploring the Benefits of Canvas Tents: Durability, Breathability, and More! Welcome to the world of camping, where nature's beauty meets adventure! If you're an outdoor enthusiast like me, you know that choosing the right tent is essential for a successful...
Tents 101: Everything You Need to Know Before Buying or Renting Welcome to the ultimate guide on all things tents! Whether you're a seasoned outdoor enthusiast or a newbie looking to embark on your very first camping adventure, this blog...
Duffle bags can be a very good companion for hiking and/or hunting trips. They are also easy to carry and can carry a range of items. A duffle bag has several chambers keeping different items. These bags are made using...
If you're about to embark on a camping trip, you need certain essential items, and a bed to sleep in is perhaps the most necessary one. Here are the reasons you need a single air bed to get optimum rest...
Dubbed the 'Usain Bolt of the stove world', the Jetboil camping stove is undoubtedly the fastest out there. There is no other stove in the world that can beat the 100-second boil rate. Boiling water has never been this fast!...
Adjustment of a pair of binoculars can be a tricky task. There may be problems such as black edges or you may get the focus of the binoculars wrong, among others. Binoculars are tools that different people use as per...
Camping is generally viewed by many people to be a difficult, hard and rough endeavour. From hiking on foot for kilometres over rugged terrain, through vegetation that is often difficult to traverse, at the mercy of unpredictable weather and with...
The way you pack and store your sleeping bag determines whether it remains a long-time friend or a flat fluff-less mess. Sleeping bags can last for years if it’s handled properly. For campers who love backpacking, sleeping bags are one...
Tents have been around for thousands of years and whenever the term ‘tent’ is heard, the probable first reaction of many would be hiking, camping, a fun day at the beach, and more. A tent is much more than its...
Home decor plays a significant role in determining the aesthetics and kerb appeal of your property, and for people who possess sprawling lawns and gardens, the scope of improvement is seemingly limitless. If you looking for ideas that would help...
Whether seasoned or novice, a hunter must have all the essentials to ensure a fun, comfortable, and most importantly, safe hunting experience. While heading outdoors, it’s vital that one owns the top gear in NZ. Depending on the type of...
How to Choose Inflatable Air Tents: Top Tips & Tricks Inflatable air tents are much easier and faster to set up than tents with poles. They have other names, including inflatable bubble tents, air pitch tents, and air beams tents. ...
Do you wish to unwind on the upcoming hiking trip you have carefully planned with your family and friends? Are you searching for the most suitable boots online or at a nearby running store? Well, look no further than our...
Since gazebos in New Zealand are meant for outdoor use, they are more likely to get damaged by varied weather elements. As a result, Taking care of the gazebo is important to ensure that it serves you well during your...
Camping is a favourite pastime for many as it allows one to ditch the hustle-bustle of urban life and enjoy a relaxing getaway. Staying outdoors is always exhilarating as you get to experience the beauty and thrills of nature at...
When it comes to camping in this day and age, very few commodities play a role as great as that of the ubiquitous tent. These pieces of residential equipment have been part of our camping and hiking bags for quite...
New Zealand is known for its wonderful weather and the amazing locations that make for the best camping sites. This setup no doubt calls for some memorable camping trips. But, however, inviting the weather and location, you cannot do a...
Pop up gazebos, also known as, instant or pop-up canopies, are freestanding temporary structures that can be used for multiple purposes. Be it a BBQ party, family get-together, wedding, outdoor camping, or kid’s playhouse, a gazebo can be the best...