Portable Cookers

34 products

In our extensive range of portable cookers, there is one to suit your specific requirements. Whether you require something super-light and compact for general backpacking, or one that’s been specially designed and manufactured for cooking at altitude or in extreme conditions, we can help with superb Kovea cookers. And then there are complete systems, like the Firemaple X2, where everything comes together for extremely efficient and convenient cooking in the outdoors. Or for a more basic piece of cooking equipment, check out our copper thermettes.

Portable outdoor cookers in New Zealand are much more advanced than they used to be. The biggest changes have been in the areas of weight and portability. Our portable cookers are so light and easy to carry that there’s no excuse for getting into the outdoors without a decent cooking system. It’s never been easier to stay energised and nourished, and that’s all too important when you’re in New Zealand’s wonderful outdoors.

To make it even easier, we also stock a superb range of dehydrated meals - simply boil some water on one of our portable cookers and soon you’ve got something very tasty and filling to tuck into. So, for a portable cooker that will work at its best in all conditions, and delicious food to go with it, check out our range and enjoy genuine outdoor dining!